Some new equipment may soon be headed to the county recycling center.
At the Sept. 22 meeting, the commissioners opened bids for a lift truck with a revolving bale clamp for recycling.
The bids are being reviewed by the commissioners to make sure the specifications are met.
The commissioners also accepted a price quote of $8,816 from a Minnesota-based company for six bins – four for glass and two for cardboard – at the recycling center. After reimbursement from a municipal recycling program grant, the county’s portion of the bill would be $882.
The commissioners also opened paving bids for the county parking lot located outside the sheriff’s department along Lake Ave.
Low bid for the proposed paving came in at $12,824 from a Binghamton, N.Y., company. The commissioners will be reviewing the bids before awarding the contract.
A $9,950 bid from Allan Hornbeck Chevrolet, Forest City, for a 2007 Chevy Impala with 27,406 miles was accepted.
Several staff resignations from various departments were accepted at the meeting.
In addition to the loss of two 911 dispatchers, the commissioners also accepted, with regret, the resignation of Isaac Hobbs from Children and Youth.
The resignation of Bina Patrick, Sheriff’s Dept., was acknowledged, with regret, by the commissioners.
The commissioners also acknowledged the hiring of Karissa Lewis, Kingsley, was by Sheriff Lance Benedict, to an open, temporary secretary’s position in the office. The position is slated to end no later than Dec. 31.
Children and Youth employee Kimberly Harshaw was promoted from Caseworker I to Caseworker II.
Mary Rosengrant resigned as a 911 dispatcher to take the position of Quality Assurance Supervisor in the 911 department.
The Central Bradford Progress Authority was designated as the Industrial Development Organization for Susquehanna County.
The commissioners also adopted three proclamations for October at the meeting.
The coming month was proclaimed as Pennsylvania’s Promise for Children’s Month in Susquehanna County, as well as Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Oct. 3-9 was proclaimed Fire Prevention Week.
The salary board created a temporary, part-time Tax Claim clerk position to scan tax sale files since 1978 into the system. The position is limited to 950 hours of work per year. Funding for the job will come from the Records Improvement Fund.
The position will be eliminated no later than Dec. 31, 2011 or when the scanning project is completed or available funds for the position run out.
The board also approved the 2011 holiday schedule for the county.
Holidays and the county observance dates for 2011 are as follows: New Years Day – Fri., Dec. 31, 2010; President’s Day – Mon. Feb. 21; Good Friday – Fri., Apr. 22; Memorial Day – Mon., May 30; Independence Day – Mon., July 4; Labor Day – Mon., Sept. 5; Columbus Day – Mon., Oct. 10; Veterans’ Day – Fri., Nov. 11; Thanksgiving – Thurs. and Fri., Nov. 24-25; Christmas – Mon., Dec. 26.
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