Attending the recent Susquehanna County Housing and Redeveloment Authority annual meeting are seated, from left, Bobbie Jo Turner, Danielle Potter and Vickie Swanson; and standing, Joe Gluck, Karen Allen, Joe Matis and Bob Bartron.
Susquehanna County Housing and Redeveloment Authority board members, Chairman Joe Matis and Treasurer Bob Bartron were recognized at the authority’s annual dinner for their 30 years of service.
Executive Director Karen Allen was also praised for her 25 years working for the SCHRA during the after dinner program at Fern Hall, at Crystal Lake on Jan. 14.
Vice-Chairman Paul Lukus presented the awards to the honored board members and thanked the county commissioners for keeping the board intact as he feels this has been a factor in the authority’s achievements.
Other members of the board are secretary Jerry Cronk and board member, J. Kenneth Adams.
Also honored were Maintenance Supervisor Joe Gluck for his 30 years in that position. Gluck started out as a lone maintenance employee and now supervises a staff of five. “He has 20 million in projects under his care,” Allen said while handing out the certificates of appreciation.
Also introduced was the newest maintenance employee, Ron Stone.
Others commended for their faithful service were: Bobbie Jo Turner, 15 years as grant administrator for the Redevelopment of Susquehanna County.
The grant money, actual and anticipated will complete projects in all corners of the county.
This year alone Turner will be applying for $570,000 to continue the purchasing and rehabiitation of foreclosed properties in the county.
The Project Manager of both William Penn and Harford Village Apartments, Vicki Swanson celebrated 10 years of service in January.
Danielle Potter has completed five years as a fiscal assistant with SCHRA.
The development team for the planned housing in New Milford: Tom Cooney of A&E Group Architects; Mike Kearney of M&L Construction and Doug Trumbower of Trade Eastern Contractors were introduced.
Director Allen spoke of the process to get funding for the New Milford project which is finally on track to becoming a reality.
Commissioner MaryAnn Warren said she was pleased to learn of the successes the housing authority has achieved. She thanked the board for its public service.
Warren, who resides in New Mildord, said, “I am so pleased to hear elderly housing is finally coming to New Milford.”
Commissioner Leon Allen also congratulated the housing authority on all of its achievements.
The county’s housing projects include Turnpike Terrace, Susquehanna; William Penn Apartments, Forest City; Howard J. Emerson Apartments and Emerson Southgate Apartments, Hallstead; Harford Village, Harford; and Oakland Heights, Oakland. The Prospect Park Apartment complex for low to middle income families is also located in Susquehanna.
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