Bridgewater Township supervisors discussed upgrades to their building security cameras, door entry system, and radios during their meeting Monday, April 2.
Adam Millard of True View Security Systems of Binghamton, N.Y., attended the meeting to present information on potential security upgrades.
Supervisor Kirk Heffner said, “I went down to Dimock Township today and looked at their system, and the secretary let me into the front door from her desk in her office. She showed me how their systems work.”
Millard, who lives in New Milford, said that he would recommend removing the intercom and replacing much of the system to get it up to fire code.
The access control system he is recommending would keep track of who comes into the building through the door, and cameras also keep logs. The cameras can be set to record 24 hours a day, or only record when motion is detected.
Emergency Management Coordinator Ed Belcher will attend a workshop in Harrisburg. The supervisors have been considering updating the radios in the township building and trucks. Heffner said that he has been talking to Industrial Electronics out of Scranton, and that he would like to find radios that can use the fire department frequency as well. He said that the cost to replace three of the radios would be $569 each. The supervisors discussed giving a radio to Belcher to assist in his EMC duties, but noted that an agreement should be drawn up so that the radio must be returned if he no longer is Emergency Management Coordinator.
A township resident is pressing for supervisors to adopt a barking dog ordinance. A Heart Lake community resident attended Monday’s meeting to present the supervisors with a proposal for an ordinance, which was modeled on a much larger community’s barking dog ordinance from another state.
“Here is my presentation on a platter to pass,” she said as she provided copies of the proposed ordinance.
The ordinance included a schedule of hours during which dog barking, howling, yelping could be addressed, a specific decibel level which should not be exceeded, and other particulars. The resident has attended previous meetings and spoken to the supervisors about this issue.
The supervisors decided to make a phone call to the PSATS office to see whether such an ordinance was feasible for a rural township. No action was taken at the meeting.
A letter was sent a property owner regarding the extension of Chipmunk Lane. The Chipmunk Lane extension project was given the go-ahead, with Attorney Michael Giangrieco filing the signed deeds he has already obtained from the other residents on that road.
The quote for pavement markings at RiteAid and the golf course intersection was approved.
The next meetings will be held on April 10 at 3:30 p.m. and on May 8 at 7 p.m.
Bridgewater looks at security upgrades

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