Auburn Township supervisors approved plans for a compressor station for UGI Energy Services at their meeting last Tuesday night (Oct. 5).
The non-residential, single lot subdivision was approved by the supervisors after review.
They said the property is located near Route 267 and a natural gas compressor station will be located about 50 feet below a barn owned by John Sershen.
Steve Newman of Gary Monroe Associates representing Chesapeake Energy attended the meeting, and informed supervisors of Chesapeake’s plans to connect two gas wells with a pipeline that will go under King Road TR 352.
“I’m here seeking your approval,” he said.
The township approved the road work for the pipe. A number of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection notices were received for stream crossings, driveway permits for gas well pads, township road crossings, and stream bank fence programs.
A letter from the DEP notified the supervisors of Power Stone Company’s plan to operate a non-metallic mineral quarry in the township.
The plan of the company, operated by Mark Powers of Auburn Township, was approved by the DEP and the Susquehanna Planning Commission both for the operation of the quarry and for an Air Quality permit to operate diesel fuel equipment, valid for five years.
Supervisors noted that they have been notified that several residents will have to pay rollback taxes for five years from the Clean and Green program for properties on which gas well drilling activity has occurred.
Meshoppen Stone and Hollister Quarry both submitted applications for surface mining of stone, which were approved. Both quarries were already in existence and are being reopened.
The supervisors were invited to the Annual Awards Banquet for the Susquehanna County Conservation District at Elk Lake VFW, on Friday, Oct. 15.
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