Dimock roads need more repair


 Dimock Township supervisors reviewed recent storm damage to township roads at their regular meeting on Monday, Sept.12.

Most of the township roads had been worked on over the summer months, and supervisors Gerald Ellis and Matt Neenan had been installing sluice pipes and cutting ditches to improve drainage situations.

The storm washed out some areas, and many of the sluice pipes were clogged with debris.

Neenan told of calling Cabot Oil and Gas to see if a 40 foot length of 48 inch sluice pipe could be purchased from Cabot to replace one on Hunsinger Road damaged by the Sept. 7-9 flooding that closed that road.
Cabot workers have been installing sluices on well pad entrances around the township.

A Cabot employee said that he would call back. Shortly afterward, the same employee called back wanting to know where to put the pipe, which had been hauled from Scranton and would be donated to the township.

The supervisors expressed their gratitude to Cabot Oil and Gas for their generosity.
Catherine Probasco attended the meeting, and thanked the supervisors for their work cutting and removing fallen trees fromHess Road after the hurricane.

The Supervisors reviewed two assessment permits and two driveway permits issued through the Susquehanna County  Council of Governments, as well as a 10 acre permit exemption for Gary and Gail Shields.

Permit application notices from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection for Laser North East Gathering Co. to build a
compressor station on the Shields’ property and from Williams Field
Services Co. for erosion permit for the Zaverton Pipeline Project were reviewed.

Supervisor Jenningsread a letter from the Pennsylvania Committee for Employer Support for the Guard and Reserves asking the Township to
adopt a statement of support.  The statement was adopted by the
supervisors. Disaster notices from the Susquehanna County Emergency Management Director were shared with all attending.

SupervisorJenningssaid he will advertise for the new Earned Income Tax Ordinance required by Act 32. An earned income tax is already collected inDimockTownship, but the collector is being changed to thecountyCentralTax Bureau (Centax).

Dimock Township Supervisors meet on the first Monday of the month at7 p.m., except in the case of a holiday.

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