Harford part of road survey


Harford Township was included in the path of a Pennsylvania Department of Transportation road survey, supervisors noted Tuesday, Sept. 11 during their regular meeting.

The right of way on SR 547 was marked through the village, and pins were placed marking the path instead of the wooden stakes used during the survey. The results of the survey had not yet been made available, said Supervisor Garry Foltz, who said that the water authority is hoping to track down a buried water shut-off valve, which is buried in the front yard of a home there.

The meeting opened with a moment of silence for the victims of Sept. 11, 2001.

The supervisors renewed agreements for Blue Cross for employee health insurance, and with the Harford Volunteer Fire Company for 2013. There is a one mill tax for the fire company.

Roadmaster Eric Allen is still rehabilitating after an injury from a tree accident, and the supervisors expected to be updated on his progress after an upcoming doctor appointment.

Supervisor Doug Phelps said that a huge pothole on Mill Street in Kingsley is provoking some resident complaints. The pothole is located near the point where Mill Street meets the state road.

He said that Masters Concrete has offered a discounted price for concrete, and a local contractor estimated he could pave a 26 foot by 30 foot section section with PennDOT approved concrete for approximately $9,000.

Foltz wanted other contractors to be given an opportunity to bid on the project, even though its estimate low enough to be approved without being advertised for bidding.

At the August meeting, several representatives of the Bluestone Gathering pipeline company attended the meeting and brought a detailed map of its route through Harford Township.

A pre-construction meeting was held at the Summit Inn in late August, which Foltz attended. There was also a public information meeting at the Bluestone Gathering office on Sept. 7, which Foltz said was not well advertised.

He was the only member of the public in attendance, he said. The pipeline will diagonally cross the township from the Tennessee pipeline area in Lenox Township to New Milford Township and north, where it will join the Millenium pipeline in New York.

A major subdivision was on the agenda, for the Bluestone/Jeffers wetland mitigation site. At the August meeting, a Bluestone representative explained that some acreage would be sold by Jeffers to the pipeline company, which would then use the property to replace about 60 acres of wetlands near the township’s border with Lenox Township. As Bluestone already holds a driveway permit for the property, and no sewage would be needed, the supervisors approved the subdivision.

It was also noted that the Bluestone pipeline will cross Route 547 near the Wilkins barn.

Residents with questions can call the 24 hour public response line for Bluestone: (866) 267-6883.

Resolutions were adopted approving Berkheimer as tax administrator for the earned income tax collection. The two resolutions, Confidential Contact Resolution 4-12 and Delinquent Cost Resolution 5-12, authorized the secretary treasurer to act as representative, and approved the collection of any taxpayer whose taxes are or become delinquent.

Section three of the township’s roads has been completed, including Stephens, Tyler, Oliver and Wilcox roads. North Harmony, Forester, and Bartholomew roads are next. Dorothy Hagenbuch mentioned that Will Hagenbuch would like some berm dirt for his property.

During the road report, Supervisor Sue Furney said that there is FEMA money remaining from 2006 that can be used for road repairs, and that the Mill Street project is an allocated road. There is about $81,000 currently in the FEMA account.

A work session was needed for personnel and general purposes, Foltz said, but did not decide on a date. Topics may include Allen’s rehabilitation and return to work, the water authority and the right of way, the budget, and sewer bill delinquent accounts.

The Harford Township supervisors meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.


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