Hunters in the local area are gearing up and will hit the woods for deer rifle season on Monday, Nov. 29.
Hunters will hit the woods at sunrise on Monday morning for another year of white-tailed deer hunting rifle season.
According to Wildlife Conservation Officer Victor Rosa, who patrols Wyoming and parts of Susquehanna County, hunters should have a relatively easy time harvesting a deer.
“Hunters should see numbers comparable to what they’ve seen in years past,” Rosa said. “And we’ve had reports of many large rack bucks observed.”
He said that these reports have some from several locations throughout the area.
One point that Rosa wanted to make is that hunters going out into the woods in Wildlife Management Unit 3C (all of Susquehanna County and northern part of Wyoming County) cannot take an antlerless deer until Saturday, Dec. 4.
However, those in WMU 3B (including the southern part of Wyoming County) can begin hunting for doe in the first week.
Rosa also noted that it is important for hunters in the woods to display their licenses clearly, and have a second form of identification on hand.
There is also a requirement for each hunter to display 250 square inches of orange clothing.
And when hunters are looking for places to hunt, Rosa noted that it is important to respect landowners.
“People need to check with landowners before hunting on their property,” Rosa said. “We want to keep the image of our local sportsmen a good one.”
Rosa also reminded that hunters can report any kill on the Game Commission’s website at www.pgc.state.pa.us.
“It’s very easy to do,” Rosa said. “But hunters can also send in their reporting cards found in this year’s Game Commission digest.”
Other regulations for this year include a three point or more antler restriction for buck, with the exception of those hunting in the mentored youth hunting program.
Youth hunters can harvest buck with antlers three inches or more on each side, or with two points on one side.
When sighting in a possible deer, Rosa said to be sure of your target.
“We say it 1,000 times, but it’s something that’s worth repeating,” Rosa said.
Rosa also noted that many hunters don’t travel far enough from familiar hunting areas, and suggests getting deeper into the woods to locate the elusive deer.
Another suggestion for finding a new spot to hunt is using the PGC’s hunting co-op program, where landowners offer up parcels of land for hunter use during the season.
Hunters can find information about the co-op program by visiting the PGC website.
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