Questions raised about a proposed subdivision raised at last month’s Montrose Borough Council meeting were answered at the Monday, Aug. 7 meeting.
The subdivision of a neighboring parcel would allow for the expansion of the Danz property and would not actually be creating a new lot.
Council’s main question had been whether or not the subdivision would create a landlocked property in the borough.
The parcel – which has two deeded right-of-ways – would not be landlocked. One right-of-way is on Hollister Drive which is not a borough street, and the other comes from the Grow Avenue side of the property.
Zoning officer John Watts said there were items on an old map of the property that should have been carried forward onto the new proposed map.
With plan details reviewed, council gave its approval of the subdivision contingent on the map corrections being made.
Council also heard from a Montrose Mobile Pantry volunteer about the new monthly food pantry happening in the town that began providing the service in June.
The group has partnered with the Weinberg Foundation and food items are distributed at the Montrose United Methodist Church on the second Friday of each month.
Since June, the number of participants has increased each month.
Weinberg provides 12 items in each package; Cabot Oil & Gas provides milk; Ray’s Market provides bread at cost; and the Montrose Mobile Pantry purchases peanut butter.
The pantry is open to all Susquehanna County residents, with proof of county residency required. There are income guidelines but no income requirements.
Volunteers are needed to unload and package the food items, and help with distribution. Financial donations are also needed. Checks can be made out to the Montrose United Methodist Church, with Montrose Mobile Pantry noted in the memo line.
A link to the organization’s Facebook page will be added to the borough website.
Borough council gave its approval for the annual Kiwanis Halloween Parade slated for Saturday, Oct. 28. Line-up will be at 12:30 p.m. on Mill Street, with a parade start of 1 p.m. The parade will end at the Montrose Fire Hall.
Work on Griffis Hill is progressing. Council approved the purchase of 100-feet of 24-inch pipe, which will be installed by RLE who is also doing some work at the corner of Griffis Hill and Prospect Street.
A larger catch basin will also be installed in the area which should alleviate some water issues.
At a cost of about $4,000, the work includes the purchase of the pipe and its installation. The road will also be brought up to grade and will be ready for surface treatment.
Councilwoman Judy Kelly reported the South Main Street project would likely get underway next year. She said she was working to facilitate communication between PennDOT and Pennsylvania American Water Company.
Police Chief Dale Smith reported that July had been busy for the department, with an increase in drug activity and arrests.
He noted Ptlm. Joshua Diddick had been responsible for about 60 percent of those arrests, including one where he obtained about $24,000 worth of methamphetamine from one individual.
Council offered their thanks to Smith and Diddick for their efforts.
Subdivision questions answered at Montrose Borough

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