Key agencies discuss dam problem


Key players from agencies interested in removing the breached dam across the Susquehanna River, between Oakland and Susquehanna, came together Wednesday, July 11, to discuss ways to address the problem

The dam, which gave way in its center about 10 years ago, is a hazard with rebar jutting from the 130-foot breach of the 655-foot dam.

Lisa Hollingsworth-Segedy, of American Rivers, said her organization has had the River Bounty owned dam on its radar for several years due to inaction with the FERC license. River Bounty has a 99 year lease with Oakland Borough for the dam. The current condition of the dam, Segedy said, poses a real hazard to boaters.

Segedy is leading the effort to find funding for the removal of the dam – starting with the design and permitting phase of the project. “We will have a better understanding of the river at that point,” she said. Studies will also show how the river will evolve once the dam comes out.

“It’s a big project,” said said, estimating the design phase will cost up to $40,000; and the actual removal of the dam costing around $200,000.

Representatives from River Bounty said that they have about $20,000-$30,000 remaining in their coffers.

Oakland Borough, it was suggested, would also be interested in having the power house removed at the same time.

Segedy estimated that the project could take 2-5 years to complete, with the clock starting at last week’s meeting.

While permitting and studies are being coordinated, Segedy said she would be working to raise funds for the demolition.

Funding could come through “in-kind” matches. Several people from various agencies offered up potential services they could provide as part of the “in-kind” match requirements, such as biological study that Segedy said that would be a “huge contribution.”

Other possible funding sources were also discussed.

A DEP representative said some studies had already been completed in the nearby area for the Riverfront Park project in Susquehanna Borough.

In the meantime from a dam safety perspective there are immediate dangers that need to be addressed.

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