The local 4-H ties run deep, and at the annual Ag Day pie auction those ties can run deep into the pockets of the bidders.
As the number of available pies dwindled, the bids heated up, culminating in what can only be described as a bidding war over Allana Warner’s Blackberry pie.
The bidding at Friday’s Ag Day pie auction at the Elk Lake High School topped out at $500 offered up by Charlie Clark of Kozy Kountry Farm in Springville.
Clark – who walked away with three pies on the day – said it was all to support the local 4-H.
And when it comes to bidding, Clark says it matters to him who made the pie. “They were all made by friends of my kids. They’re part of the 4-H family” he offered.
“We have a huge 4-H family and even when they age out, they are still family,” he said.
John “Junior” Ayres, of All County Livestock in Nicholson, won the bid at $275 for a Blueberry Rhubarb pie, made by ReaAnne Carpenter. He said the business likes to support the 4-H auctions for the kids.
With nearly 60 pies entered into the contest, the auction brought in $5,788. Proceeds from the pie auction go to both the Susquehanna County 4-H and the Dairy Princess and Promotions programs.
A team of volunteers tasted the pies, and ranked them on several criteria. The top three pies in both the adult and youth divisions were named as the winners.
Adult division winners were April Fowler with her Peanut Butter Extravaganza; and Peggy Walker and Celia Wagner, who both entered Strawberry pies.
In the youth division, winners included Alivia Hughes with an Apple, Peach, Blueberry pie; Kyle Bonavita’s Peanut Butter pie; and Austin Bonavita’s Banana Split pie.
As Susquehanna County District Attorney Robert Klein tasted one of the pies he judged, his only comment was, “Mmm, Mmm, Mmmmm.”
But he said he had no favorite pie going into the judging, “Is there a bad kind?” he asked.
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