Mountain View administrators told the board, at the Monday, Aug. 22, meeting, that both the elementary and junior-senior high school is seeing an uptick in the number of students returning to the district this school year.
New elementary principal Patrick McGarry said the school has about 504 students enrolled for the start of the year.
McGarry joined the Mountain View admin team on July 1. Prior to coming to the district, he served as an assistant principal in the Abington Heights school district and as a sixth grade math teacher.
High School Principal Dr. Mark Lemoncelli told the board the secondary school has over 450 students returning, with a number returning to in-person instruction from online and cyber-charter schools.
Enrollment is also up for students in need of special education services, said Erica Loftus, Director of Special Services, with several new students being added to the rolls this week.
School director Kenneth Decker inquired about potential staffing concerns.
Loftus said that she feels the district is in a “good spot” and is able to manage with the current staffing level and resources.
Superintendent Dr. Mike Elia said that safety and security are a priority in the district. He told the board that students will be asked to complete a school climate survey, which will be used as a benchmark for the district to build on moving forward.
Students return to classes on Monday, Aug. 29. Teachers head back to their classrooms today, Wednesday, Aug. 24.
The board approved the following:
*exonerations for 2022 real estate taxes, 2022 per capita taxes, and 2022 occupation taxes as submitted by the county and local tax collectors;
*established a kindergarten students activity account for field trips;
*closed the elementary Washington, DC, trip student activity account. It was noted that the trip will be an eighth grade trip, instead of a sixth grade trip;
*approved summer cheerleading camp for Aug. 26-27;
*approved field trip requests that will take one to two students one Tuesday per month to the Clifford Senior Center, beginning Sept. 20; two to three students on Mondays and Thursday, beginning Sept. 12, to Interfaith in Montrose; and two to three students, two Tuesdays per month to the Carbondale YMCA, beginning Sept. 13.
*approve the Mobile Ag Ed Science Lab to come to the district, at no cost, Nov. 7-11.
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