Articles by susqcoindy

MEA responds to district’s claims

The Montrose Education Association says the district’s assertion of the offer to settle the ongoing contract dispute does not provide a complete picture of the…

Personnel matters dominate county agenda

Personnel matter dominated the Susquehanna County Commissioners’ June 28 meeting agenda. After the County Salary Board merged the First Deputy positions in the Prothonotary and…

County hires 3 to process doe permits

The Susquehanna County Salary Board created three temporary, part-time clerical positions in the Treasurer’s Office to process doe permits. The positions are added annually by…

One killed in motorcycle crash

A two vehicle motorcycle crash June 30 in Lenox Township claimed the life of a Simpson woman. Motorcycle driver Shannon Bonning, 49, sustained severe injuries…

County files against XNG

The county has filed suit against Xpress Natural Gas, of Boston, Mass., and says the company, operating as the Forest Lake CNG Center, has not…

MASD takes contract offer public

After several months of negotiating a contract quietly behind closed doors, the Montrose Area School District took their latest offer to the public in a…

Elk Lake taxes heading up

The Elk Lake School Board approved a budget of $20.2 million for 2017/2018, which includes a jump in local property taxes. According to budget records…