Montrose Borough Police Chief Dale Smith noted at the Monday, April 2 borough council meeting, that the department had more drug arrests in the previous month.
Members of the force have also been certified to administer the opioid overdose reversal medication, naloxone. But the borough has not yet adopted a policy for its use.
The borough’s new solicitor, Michael Briechle, said he has been working on a policy for another borough, and will also look to provide the Montrose council with a policy for adoption.
Council voted to advertise for bids for natural gas lease on the 10-13 acres of borough owned property.
Previously, Cabot Oil & Gas had approached council about leasing the land.
Council President Sean Granahan said some parameters would be set within the advertisement.
Council approved the purchase of hanging baskets for the downtown area at a cost of $1,710.
Spurred by a complaint several months ago about a fence erected in the town, Montrose Borough Council is looking at possibly amending the zoning ordinance to address vague language in the local law.
Councilman Craig Reimel said GPS units on trucks traveling north into the borough on Route 29 are sometimes sending the drivers on Cherry Street rather than South Main.
Those drivers, he said, then attempt to turn left onto Union Street to get back to South Main, and in doing so, are cutting into a resident’s lawn.
Council voted to post a sign prohibiting the trucks from turning left onto the street and will ask PennDOT to add signage directing trucks to keep left as they enter the borough.
The borough council also tabled discussion about an inquiry from Standard Farms regarding locating a cannabis dispensary in area.
Street department supervisor Ken DiPhillips was celebrated at the meeting for his 28 years of employment for the borough.
In his report, DiPhillips was approved to purchase cinders for the next winter season, and discussed ongoing issues with the backhoe.
At the meeting, borough council was also presented with a plaque from the Montrose VFW in appreciation for flying the American flag.
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