Articles by admin

Montrose Legion 1-3 for week

The Montrose American Legion baseball team lost a home doubleheader to Delaware Valley on Saturday, lost in an interleague wood bat game with West Scranton…

PGC banding geese

Pennsylvania Game Commission biologists were busy last week scoring the Northeast Region of the state looking for resident Canadian geese. PGC biologist Kevin Wenner, who…

SRBC says Cabot withdrawal site OK

Despite drought conditions in parts of Bowmans and Tunkhannock Creeks, the Susquehanna River Basin Commission said Friday there was no cause for alarm that at…

Montrose celebrates the Fourth

“Pride, spirit and hard work produce excellence” was the motto adopted years ago by the Montrose Marching Unit. And that dedication was apparent as over…

Pushing for pipelines as utilities

Scranton native Tom Karam is buying the pipeline company spearheading the effort to have natural gas gathering lines declared utilities, subject to regulation but able…