Student achievers, from left, Amelia DiPhillips, Kevin Zamorski, and Rebecca Maxey were honored at the Montrose Area School Board meeting Monday night. DiPhillips and Maxey were among students honored for the exceptional work by the Student Council. Also honored were student council members Cierra Cook, Emily Hewes, and Lila Weiss, who were unable to attend. Zamorski, along with fellow Montrose students Ryan Franklin and Michael Gardner, was honored for achievement at the Susquehanna County Career and Technology Center.
The Montrose School Board conducted its reorganization meeting Monday night, re-electing the president and vice president,, and discussed the procedure for appointing a new board member, as well as upcoming interviews for a new football staff.
School Board President Douglas Wilcox was re-elected, as was Vice President Karl Wimmer.
At the next regular meeting on Jan. 10, the board will appoint a new board member to replace Julie Humphrey from Region 1, Montrose Borough and Jessup Township. Two candidates have expressed an interest in the position.
Resignations were accepted for the following coaches: Jack Kiehl as head football coach; assistant coaches Andrew Weller, Walter Gieski and Nicholas Pappas.; assistant girls basketball coach Katy Rosenkrans; junior high softball coach Courtney Wells; and athletic trainer Britton Schneider.
Superintendent Michael F. Ognosky noted, “The entire six member football staff will need to be hired and we posted the positions nationally, on Nov. 22.”
Ognosky said candidates would be interviewed over the Christmas break. He said he has met with the 93 district students interested in playing football and assured them that the program will continue.
He said that Elk Lake School District students have expressed an interest in playing football on the Montrose team, and although that is not possible until the 2012-13 school year, it shows that there will be further growth in the number of students playing football.
Appointments announced included Mary Gesford as junior varsity girls’ basketball coach, at a salary of $3,234; Brady Goldsmith as junior high girls’ basketball coach at a salary of $2,380; Kathy Whitmore as wrestling cheerleading adviser at a salary of $2,200.
The board approved the hiring of Sarah Stang as of Dec. 1 as athletic trainer pending completion of employment requirements at the rate of $15.75 per hour for a maximum of 1,430 hours per fiscal year. Stang was formerly a trainer at King’s College.
The board also accepted Patricia Brown’s resignation as Learning Support Instructional Aide at the Lathrop Street Elementary School effective Dec. 6. The board also approved an extended unpaid maternity/child care leave of absence for Megan Kipar, learning support teacher at the Lathrop Street Elementary School effective Jan. 3,
The three Montrose building principals were recognized at the beginning of the meeting with Keystone Awards for having met their PSSA targets for two years.
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