Steven Stanford was re-elected president of the Susquehanna Community School District board at its reorganization meeting Dec. 1, just prior to the regular board meeting. Clay Weaver was re-elected vice-president.
The board members agreed that regular meetings will be held the third Wednesday of the month with the exception of May when it will be necessary to hold the meeting earlier due to a compliance requirement pertaining to budget approval; no meeting in July and an early August meeting; no meeting in November and an early December meeting.
All meetings are scheduled for 7 p.m. in the administration office at the elementary school. Informational meetings are held a day before the regular meeting, also at 7 p.m. in same location.
In the regular meeting, Superintendent Bronson Stone referred to school pension reform as a great burden on the district. Over the next four years the district’s contribution will increase by 226 percent under recent changes. He continued to express the need for the district to be fiscally savvy to meet payments.
Stone noted the district is using less electricity due to the recent changes made to lighting and other improvements. The board approved an electricity purchasing agreement with Allegheny Energy for 2011. The district will be paying 6.34 cents for a kilowatt hour.
According to Stone the district board will need to make a decision in the future about using the Keystone Exam as a final exam or to have it as a graduation requirement. Stone said it could be either a help or a hindrance on graduation requirements for the students.
Stone thanked Ozzie Miller for all he does for the district. Stone said he assists with projects when asked.
Stone also thanked Cabot Oil for its donation that will allow for an additional night football game.
A Taxpayer Relief Act resolution was approved which state the SCSD board shall not raise the rate of any tax for the support of the district for the 2011-2012 fiscal year by more than its index which is 2.1 percent.
Slater Transportation contracts have been transfered to Ray and Nikki Swanson and all other district transportation contracts were approved. The board approved Larry Todd of Como Construction for snow removal at the rate of $24 per occurance. This is the third year for Como Construction to remove snow at a bus turnaround located in Wayne County, Stone said.
The board approved hiring Jami Hyndshaw as homebound instructor; Roland Salamon, fall drama director; Lori Zick. long term substitute; Robin Burdick, elementary personal aide; William Conklin, substitute bus driver and Casey Christianson, substitute van driver.
Volunteers approved were Kim Burdick, junior high girls basketball; and Brian Rhone, fifth and sixth grade girls basketball.
Sabbaticals approved were for John Seigle (90 days) and Karen Loscig for the remainder of the 2010-2011 school year. Bridgette Stone will have her 45-day long term substitute position extended to a one-year only substitute position.
Assistant Principal Holly Warunek reported on an awards assembly Nov. 5. A trivia game was introduced to prepare students of SAT and Keystone Exams. Questions from these exams were part of the game. She also told the board the faculty and staff at the Career Center have complimented SCHS students on their community involvements with senior projects.
Elementary Principal Robert Keyes told board members that parents representing 456 out of 504 students attended Parent/ Teacher conferences. This represents 90 percent of the students. An after-school tutoring program that offers incentives for regular attendance is going very well and there will also be rewards for good behavior. Some 244 students recognized so far.
Special Education Coordinator David Jagger spoke highly of the department’s support staff and said there were zero issue problems to report.
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