Montrose Borough Council held a reorganization and regular monthly meeting on Monday, Jan. 6.
Sean Granahan was re-elected to serve as council president; and Tom Follert was chosen as the vice-president. ]
Lillian Sienko was reappointed as secretary and Michael Briechle continues the borough solicitor.
JoAnne Luecke was appointed to serve a four-year term on the planning commission; and Richard Griffith was appointed to a three-year term on the zoning hearing board.
In the business meeting, council accepted the resignation of borough bookkeeper Erin Jenner with regret; and also the resignation of Ventresca Associates as the treasurer.
Those positions will be advertised.
Councilman Randy Schuster said Jenner had “dug us out of an awful big hole,” and offered his appreciation for her effort and dedication to the borough.
Street department supervisor Ken Di Phillips reported that problems continue with a John Deere backhoe.
“I don’t feel comfortable with it,” DiPhillips said, and noted the piece of equipment has had issues since it was purchased, and had been services a number of times.
Schuster advised having the solicitor draft an official letter to the company, asking for them to replace the faulty machine.
Following an executive session, borough employees were given a three percent pay increase.
In public comment, council heard concerns from a resident about drones, the deer population in the borough, and truck traffic.
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