DEC. 1- 4
Christmas in Montrose. Events in and around Montrose, include bazaars, pop-up vendors, visit from Santa, free movie, s’mores station, Community Chorale concert, Santa roll. Find the schedule of events on Facebook: Christmas in Montrose.
DEC. 1
Ham & scalloped potato dinner, Great Bend VFW, Main St., Great Bend. Serving 5 p.m. until gone. Adults/$8.50; children 6-12/$5; 5 and under/free. Take outs available. Hosted by VFW Ladies Auxiliary.
DEC. 2
Build your own Gingerbread House, 6 p.m., South Auburn Grange. Bring whatever you would like to use for decorations. Asking that children be accompanied by an adult. Free, open to all.
DEC. 3
Holy Name of Mary Church Annual Christmas Bazaar, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., 278 South Main St., Montrose. White elephant table, baked goods, homemade wreaths and more. Breakfast and lunch available.
21st Annual Christmas department store, 8 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., Montrose United Methodist Church.
Christmas at the Museum, 4 p.m., Forest City Area Historical Society, corner of Main & Dundaff St., Forest City. Music, games, raffle baskets, Santa visit.
Northern Tier Symphony Orchestra Masterworks concert, 8 p.m., Tunkhannock Middle School auditorium. Adults/410; students/$5. Info:
Montrose Borough Police Dept. will be at Ray’s Market, SR 706, Bridgewater Twp., noon-6 p.m. collecting nonperishable food items for local veterans, and new unwrapped toys for Interfaith’s Christmas Bureau program.
Chicken and biscuit dinner, Hop Bottom UMC. Take-outs 4 p.m., dine-In 5-7 p.m. $10/adults; $5/kids 6-12; kids 5 and under eat free. Info: Donna Potter 570-289-4196.
Christmas Boutique, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Carriage House at the Self Discovery Wellness Arts Center, 200 Lake Ave.,, Montrose. Unique gift items, gift certificates, cookbooks, lavender bundles, gifting teas and baked goodies. Hot chocolate will be served. Info: 570-278-9256;
DEC. 4
Christmas cash bingo, Thompson Hose Co. Doors and kitchen open 12:30; early bird bingo starts 1:15 p.m.; regular bingo starts 2 p.m. See for additional info.
Breakfast with Santa, 9:30 a.m. – noon, Knights of Columbus Hall, Kilroy St., Great Bend. Adults;$7, children under 12 free.
Christmas in Brass concert featuring Borderline Brass and Friends, 1:30 p.m,, United Methodist Community Church, 436 Main Street, Great Bend. Bring canned fruit or a box of cereal for the Caring Community Food Pantry.
DEC. 6
Christmas tea, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Montrose Bible Conference, 218 Locust St., Montrose. Music, devotional thought, light lunch with seasonal goodies and tea; Around the World Nativities on display. Reservations required, $12/person. Info: 570-278-1001 or
DEC. 7
Organ Meditation for Advent, noon, First Presbyterian Church, 367 Church St., Montrose. Soup and bread luncheon to follow. Free. All are invited to attend.
Free meal, 3-7 p.m., Montrose United Methodist Church, 526 Church St., Montrose. Sponsored by Susq. Co. Interfaith and Montrose UMC. All are welcome.
DEC. 8-9
EMTC presents ‘A Dame to Die For,” 7 p.m., Great Bend VFW, Main St., Great Bend. Light fare will be served; cash bar. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Adults/$14; Students, seniors, members/$12.
What’s Happening: Nov. 30 – Dec. 9

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