The Blue Ridge School Board and Blue Ridge Education Association reached a contract agreement on Monday, Nov. 18.
The BREA voted Monday to approve the proposed contract, prior to the school board meeting. The board, in turn, offered up its approval in the business meeting.
The contract, which is retroactive to July 1 of this year, runs through June 30, 2024. The previous contract lapsed on June 30.
Teachers will receive a 2.95 percent increase; and health care deductibles will remain at current levels for the first three years, with increases in the final two years of the contract. Adjustments were also made to insurance and prescription co-pays in the years covered by the contract.
The board approved a proposal creating the position of Director of Safety and Security, naming Greg Deck to the position. He has been serving as the district’s School Resource Officer (SRO) since 2017.
The new position incorporates the SRO post – a county position in the district’s attorney’s office – along with additional duties in the school district. As part of the district position, Deck will oversee the school’s safety, security and truancy. In addition to the county SRO salary, the district will pay about $9,500 in salary for the additional duties under the new position.
School closed on Friday due to a water main break. The break was repaired and classes resumed on Monday, with the district under a boil advisory. Adjustments were made to the cafeteria menu to accommodate the advisory. Alternate drinking water was provided for staff and students.
Business manager Brian Dolan reported to the board that the water had been tested on Monday and that he expected the report to allow the district to resume its water usage.
An announcement on the district website alerted that significant changes in parking and traffic flow would happen on Thursday, Nov. 21.
The district is undergoing a construction project of its parking areas and road around the campus.
Changes to take effect Thursday include the closure of the elementary parking lot; and parking for staff members utilizing that lot has been shifted to lots at the rear of the building, utilizing the access road. Parent drop-off will also occur at the rear of the elementary building.
Complete details of the parking, visitor entrance, and parent drop-off and pick-up are detailed on the district website.
The board will hold a reorganization meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 3, at 7 p.m., in the cafeteria.
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